Hey! It's been an interesting week! On Wednesday we welcomed Isaac into the world. He was born Wednesday morning at 8:25. He tipped the scales at 8 lbs 8 oz and is 21 3/4 inches long. Both Jodi and Isaac are doing fantastic. We've made it home and are beginning to get settled in. We're grateful for everyone who has sent encouragement our way! It's in these moments that while we push the pause button on lots of other things, we remember why we're pursuing them. God's grace and kindness toward us are overwhelming. God's incredible gift of another sweet baby reminds us of his love for us. We're reminded that he loves us so much that he sent Jesus in the very same way. Redemption is not a theory, but it's found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. He came to restore us to God! Holding Isaac in my arms reminded me how much God desires to be restored to his kids. Watching Jodi care for and provide for Isaac reminded me of God's great care for us. He gives us everything we need through Jesus. We don't walk alone. In the same way we'll care for Isaac and raise him, God is walking with us and using every life situation to grow us in maturity to be more like Jesus. So, in a few moments of rest this week, I've tried to think on the Lord. I'd encourage you to do the same. While you do that, would you thank him for sending Jesus? Would you pray that we'll raise Isaac (and our other kids) to love and follow Jesus? Would you pray that God would provide everything we need as we prepare to move?
Thanks again for your love and kindness! We're grateful to be on this journey walking with you!
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